Lace Pillows |
Made some bobbin lace pillows for myself, something unique, pretty, and functional. Not willing to pay absorbenant prices for something that was homemade normally by the lacemaker. Constructed them with two different kinds of firm fibers; linen/jute/hemp fabric mix and polysynthetic. For ease of cleaning if needed wanted a stiff firmness. Completed two bolsters with a black velvet cover and a rectangle cookie-like pillow also black velvet cover.
I will have 110 spangled bobbins all set for fun. Looking forward to the last two orders of bobbins coming in the mail will bring me up to that total. Was able to get 8 recently, waiting for the large order of 30 yet. I made slip cover for them out of an old linen tablecloth. Which this helped with selecting a color theme, just came to me randomly.
Bobbins in slipcase- spangle side out |
I purchased some silk and linen for practice from my favorite sca vender for all things string. Located some 12x12 linen Napkins to cover around my work and to help keep the lace clean. Chose some natural color with red edging. I have some German patterned embroidery pieces that I will use a work covers when I am not working on the lacemaking. It’s in red black and white so nice color combination.
Found a great channel on YouTube to learn and also have my collection of books. It’s a challenge for me to translate the movements terminology though it’s like dancing so just takes practice. So holiday weekend of leaning.
Fingers crossed,
THL Marrin O’Kealy
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