Santos dolls are closely related to the Crèche figures, which were implemented in Italy by St Francis of Assisi, during the 13th century. However, the Crèche are primarily associated with Italian and French nativity and crib scenes. Crèche scenes are still elaborately displayed throughout Italy and in parts of France.

She is 27” tall carved of wood and gouache painted. Silk and wool outfit, human hair wig and hand carved and painted. The colonial santos dolls were used in remote areas of the Spanish new world that didn’t have churches to spread the catholic faith. They are still made modernly central and South America mainly in Mexico and in southwestern US. More so an art form now than a religious influence via ornately decorated saints and holy family.

This doll I want to represent the cultural influence that dolls can be so made her outfit Spanish inspired. My sca friend Elena de la Palma, she has greatly helped with the information for this project answering many questions.
Working on the outfit currently for the Lute Player Automaton outfit. I am pleased with my progress so far and feel it’s close to the original. There will be more to come on this other project. So here comes the pictures for this Santos Doll, enjoy!!
Making the shiny things,
THL Marrin O’Kealy
Source 1: https://www.santoscagedoll.com/pages/history-of-santos-dolls
Source 2: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santon_(figurine)
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