Still working on the Teasel experiment, at this point I am letting the 2nd cutting of Teasel rett in the flower bed for now. Still looking at some options for water retting container for the stems. Although earlier this summer, I was working on a shawl like crochet that had a pretty literal twist. I was able to sew the top opening to narrow it more and made a nice over the head shrug/poncho. Posting some pictures of the results of that completed project.
Crocheting a lap blanket currently, at least that’s what my goal is for this project. Just not sure if it will turn out as intended. With fiber projects, I find that they seem to take a life of their own. Fiber arts projects are made into their own intended shape sometimes. Although clothing projects sometimes do this too, makes me happy to allow things to work in their many ways of being.

Besides the crochet currently working up, I have set up my small table loom for weaving a more pink coral colored project. Eventually want to order some flax by the pound to spin as well for a later weaving project. So a few things to do fiber arts lately.
Keeping up the good work,
THL Marrin O’Cadhla
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