My iPhone 8 however mighty, does have issues with heating up on long downloads, although it’s never overheated. When one picks up their phone and feels it’s warm in it’s case, you know it’s time to make some decisions for replacement. Additionally questing ones use of your cellphone for more than the Internet and phone capabilities.
I had several cameras in mind for this planned purchase; all were canon brand. I just had to make choices about my expectations, budget, and availability in person to purchase. I hate buying technology online if I can help it. Although with the invention of many people sewing it in store and buying elsewhere, availability in person is a real probem. I also have to make decisions on which camera accessories to get now and others to hold off on for later.
The Rebel T100 is the first camera in the Rebel series from Canon, so it’s not brand new technology so to speak. With it being 8 versions back from the current model, it was quite affordable for a DSLR camera. This camera besides still photography, does allow filming too. Since it’s more like a a hybrid of traditional and digital, I was able to buy some accessories to fit. The accessories for now are magnification filters for upclose filming, a hood to focus light, cables for connecting to my computer, a foot with threaded screw for attaching to my tripod, a rode mic for on the hot foot of the camera for better sound, and extra memory cards. On the list of possibilities in the future; are a horizontal boom for filming, umbrella lights with stands, adapter rings for other sizes of lenses; not sure if I will get these as I am buying to the size of the current lens. An external display screen, access mount for my tripod to name a few. So will let those live in my watch list for more months to see if they are needed or not.So here is to happy filming, cheers!
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