I have been shopping for looms for about three months. I have wanted one that could weave close to a yard width fabric. My parameters for a wider loom are between 30-36 weaving width, it has to fit in the car and is made of quality hardwood. I finally found a winner in New York State, will be picking up this week. Not too far away either. Please see the wonderful pictures to get a sense of this utilitarian equipment made in a beautiful manner. When I am in front of this loom, I can see the love and attention that has gone into its

Would have liked a counterbalance loom but those looms do not break into pieces for transport, same for countermarch and some jack looms. Seems that Kyra looms come up for sale so rarely that it would be some years before I would get the one by this manufacturer. This one is not branded but breaks down into 4 side hardwoods panels, 4 shafts, two warp bars, and a beater bar. The dimensions are 36 inches front to back, 43 inches wide, 38 inches tall. It’s low and wide which works better in the basement.
The loom has several shuttles and extra swag for free and was $125 less than my first loom. It’s a steal at $275. This loom is an original one of a kind made from furniture-grade plywood. According to the previous owner it’s made so well that it has details that I won’t believe. The shafts- they are hickory hand made and all the hardware is new. It needs tweaking for the shaft lift but is workable in its current state.

This is why I waited for the right one to come along. I didn’t just want a typical-looking loom. Something with lots of character, the reason it’s going is due to room restrictions. I will be selling off some of the spinning wheels that I don’t use to keep the space in the basement less cluttered. Plus I have some household items that needed rehoming for a while. It’s been past time for some decluttering. I did some this past summer, it’s a constant process. One can move along the basement just fine and lots of walking room but I want to not load up the room since it’s meant to be creating space for me.
The former owner is going to label all the parts, make sure I can put it back together, by providing detailed instructions and videos. I definitely found the right buyer who cares about the person buying their item. Learned that the furniture movers/sliders are great for larger pieces. Without putting stress on any joints of larger furniture and home decor pieces.
Excited to get Weaving,
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