A picture of my green Tudor Gown over a gold colored silk velvet Tudor Kirtle. Kept me nice and comfortable all day and looking 16th century fashionable for the event. Was delightfully snowy during the weekend but road were not too bad all in all. New York state is pretty good at managing the challenges of mother nature. Utica I believe does receive lake effect snow, which is partly the reason there was so much in that area and much less across the middle of the state.
On a personal note, I was able to complete my 60 page research document in time to set up a non judged display at Kingdom A&S Champs. The weird and unusual gets attention, did not fail this time either. This is a compilation of 20 years of my doll research, from first projects to my more complicated works. Almost all of my visual references all in one document titled; Visual History of 16th Fashion Dolls: Methods, Materials and Sources. This ended up meeting my goal of being a near professional quality display. Hoping to put this in a future publication. So working on the complexities of that kind of published work is part of my A&S goals of 2025.
Later this month, I am traveling to visit the museums and workshops at Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. Partly to help a friend pack for their new life abroad. Pick up some silk and yarn for my own making purposes. Partly to research the post period portion of my eventual book. My goal being to talk with the ladies at the Mantua Makers shop about how they tend to use the fashion doll they have in house. Talk with the on site Tailor, pick up some Chinz for my version of 18th century dolls to be included in the book. Cite the period method I am familiar with, then visit the 18th fashion dolls in the Colonial Williamsburg foundations collection. Also have clothing discussions with my friend during my week long visit starting on MLK day and that week.
More Dolly Goodness to Come,
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