Well last of the horn and bone bobbins for lacemaking are on their way. All the pretties to make pretties. All the shiny spangles will be tough to choose which ones for practice. Such tough choices have to be made. Though I will have to get time to sit and practice. Will not be with a new arrival in the house
Personal note picked up Jasper’s ashes from the emergency vet. I am hoping no need to visit for many years. Though it’s been tough on Albert and I in very much the soft parts of the heart. It’s more so for our mountain of floof, Starr. I think she knows she is last cat and is acting quite differently without a feline companion. So for the holiday we decided to honor our lost ones, by naming an eventual new one with an inspired name.

We are considering an all black male kitten for our 4yr old to teach all the cat like mischief. I hope Starr is up to the task. It’s bittersweet but I know Jasper and Tabbitha wouldn’t want us to be sad and we couldn’t forget them. So it’s going to be a Boo for certain we will see about the first name. Looks like will be picking him up Saturday.
I will be kitten proofing the house this next week. Though here are some pictures of 3 month old kitten cuteness.
Heavy but full hearts,
THL Marrin
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