Found some gems of the automaton from the side and back. Will be useful in getting it to look correct. Helped me answer some more questions I had about the hair styling and caul in the back and how long it was. As I know there are ones that are long and braided in the back with a tassel at the end. So
Shall see what options for movement I can create. Will be experimenting on a few gears and progression movements eventually. Gathering materials in the mean time. All I can say it’s going to be super epic. So going to let all of you enjoy these. I found them drool worthy as a larger scale challenge.
For the meantime have kitties vying for attention and mostly settled. Hoping to share more as research, planning, and tinkering begins on the automaton.
Excited to tinker,
THL Marrin O’Kealy
Source 1: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2015/01/amazing-automatons-robots-victorian.html?m=1
Source 2: https://history-computer.com/Dreamers/Torriano.html
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